
Lyrics are the words to a song! Some of the monsters, snails and slugs here are musical. They sing and dance!

The Snooks McCreepy and Boogly Boogoo Song

Oh who are the best of monster pals! Snooks McCreepy and Boogly Boogoo!
Boogly Boogoo likes the garden at night

Lyrics to the song

Oh who are the best of monster pals?
Snooks McCreepy and Boogly Boogoo!

We each have a great big pointy horn
Snooks is yellow and Boogly is blue!

Monsters, monsters, not so scary at all
Monsters, monsters, not so scary at all
Doodly doodly doo!

Oh Snooks sips coffee while Boogly drinks juice
We like tea parties and pillow fights
Snooks eats candy while Boogly likes veggies
We both like hanging up Christmas lights!

Monsters, monsters, not so scary at all
Monsters, monsters, not so scary at all
Doodly doodly doo!

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